Kid’s Birthday Party Ideas in Waukesha

Party Venue with Mini Golf & Batting Cages

Prairieville Park is your destination for incredible birthday parties. No matter the age of the guest of honor, we have activities everyone will love in our Birthday Package. Each package includes a round of mini golf for the party guests and lunch. 


Birthday Package Prices
Age Group

Mon - Sun


12 & Under $29.00(plus tax) per person  
13 & Over

$30.00 (plus tax) per person


2025 Birthday Package:  

  • One 18-hole round of adventure mini golf per person
  • One batting round per person
  • One hour in our private party room
  • Lunch:
    • 2 slices of pizza per guest
    • Can of soda for each guest
  • Party goods (party plates and napkins provided)
Each party must meet an eight-guest minimum. Advance reservations required.
Extra food and soda are available with advance notice.  All prices subject to change.


Half Birthday and Special Occasion Parties

If your child enjoys mini golf but has a birthday when we are closed for the winter, consider holding a half birthday party or celebrating if your child has recently achieved a major accomplishment during the seasons we’re open. There are plenty of reasons to celebrate at Prairieville Park! We’ve also done end-of-the-year parties for Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, sports teams, and school classes.

Schedule your child’s birthday party today or contact Prairieville Park with questions.